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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Patty Jane's House of Curl

When I was making a visit to Goodwill a few weeks ago, I could not help but go look at the books and came across Patty Jane's House of Curl by Lorna Landvik.

Patty Jane and her sister Harriet have had a hard life. They had to pretty much raise themselves due to their parents alcoholism.
Things start looking up when Patty Jane marries the love of her life Thor, and Patty Jane soon becomes pregnant (thought Thor does not believe it).Harriet also falls for a very rich and caring man named Avel.
But as Patty Jane's pregnancy becomes real Thor starts distancing himself from his wife. Until one day he just disappears. Patty Jane has the baby soon shortly and goes through a patch of depression. With the help of her mother-in-law Ione, Harriet, and Avel though she soon gets her life on track. Remembering she now has a little girl to take care of and be strong for. Patty Jane starts by going to school to be come a beautician and eventually opens her own salon. The book continues to follow the family through their lives, and their many troubles. But they realize with each others help they can survive anything.

This book had me laughing, crying, and left me feeling inspired. The characters are just so strong, and though it was set in the 60s the characters are still relative to women of today . though I do admit some of the problems they faced had me putting the book down pondering "After all this how do they manage to be happy in life?"  But then I realized it was because these women supported each other, and helped each other see the goodness that they still had.
This book honestly should be a classic, because it is one of those books that will have you wanting to read it again and again, and recommend it to everyone you know.  So please read it, it is so amazing.

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